Terminalia arjuna is large sized deciduous evergreen tree with very strong and long roots. This tree reaches height up to 70-85 feet. It has conicalj leaves, yellow flowers and grey colored smooth bark. It has glabrous, fibrous woody, 2-3 cm long fruit with five hard wings and number of curved veins. The present review is […]
Leucaena leucocephala
Large leguminous thornless shrub or small scrubby tree, forming dense stands with bushy crowns up to 6m height. Relatively short-lived, with lifespan of 20-40 years. Bark greyish with prominent lenticels. Bipinnately-compound leaves with small grey-green leaflets, pungent when crushed Leucaena leucocephala is widely cultivated, mostly in farming situations, for forage (leaves and shoots), firewood, poles, […]
Ficus blakiana
Black ficus grows as a large broadleaf evergreen tree in tropical and subtropical climates, but it is more often grown as a houseplant in homes, offices, and featured in interior commercial landscaping. This elegant plant has slender branches that arch gracefully from a light gray trunk, with dense, glossy dark leaves. Ficus blackiana, also known […]
Casuarina பேரினத்தைச் சேர்ந்த தாவரங்கள் பச்சை, ஊசல், ஒளிச்சேர்க்கை கிளைகள் கொண்ட ஒற்றை அல்லது டையோசியஸ் மரங்களாகும் , இலைகள் சிறிய செதில்களாக சுழன்று கிளைகளாக அமைக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும் , ஆண் மற்றும் பெண் பூக்கள் தனித்தனி கூர்முனைகளில் அமைக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும், பழங்கள் சாம்பல் அல்லது மஞ்சள் கலந்த கூம்பு- பழுப்பு நிற இறக்கைகள் கொண்ட விதைகள் Medicinal: The bark is used to treat dysentery and diarrhoea. The twigs are used for swelling and as a wash for beri beri. Timber & Products: […]
Polyalthia longifolia
The Ashoka tree or Saraca indica, has been revered in the traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. This is because this miraculous plant holds a treasure trove of therapeutic potential and health advantages, making it a valuable addition to your health arsenal 1)Name of Plant ( common Name/ scientific name)- Ashoka / Polyalthia longifolia2) Type of […]
Alphia Zepak
Albizia lebbeck can attain a height of 30 m and a diameter of 1 m; more often it is 15-20 m tall with a diameter of 50 cm; bark grey-violet with rusty brown breathing pores.is It is also a deciduous woody tree which is traditionally used for treating asthma, colds, coughs, and other allergic diseases
Accassia Auriculiforms
This plant is raised as an ornamental plant, as a shade tree and it is also raised on plantations for fuelwood throughout southeast Asia, Oceania and in Sudan. Its wood is good for making paper, furniture and tools. It contains tannin useful in animal hide tanning. அகாசியா ஆரிகுலிஃபார்மிஸ் , பொதுவாக காது இலை அகாசியா , இயர்போட் வாட்டில் , அவுரி (பிலிப்பைன்ஸில்), கருவேல் (தமிழ்நாடு மற்றும் கர்நாடகாவில்) […]
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Native beauty how to incorporate native plants into your lawn
Enhance your lawn with native plants for a sustainable and attractive landscape.